
Self-Care Conversations: The Power of Yoga and Voice


Self Care Conversations Episode 2 from Jane Hardy on Vimeo.  The Power of Yoga and Voice with Nicky West.

I hope everyone is keeping well. It was wonderful to be interviewed by Jane Hardy from last week about self-care during this time of isolation. I hope you enjoy. She has regular interviews happening at the moment all around different ways to approach self-care.

I moved my classes and most of my one to one clients online on March 23rd. It's lifted us all to cont...

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Who’s running the show? You’re inner kiddo or CEO?

Eye to Eye with a Quoll.

I sat outside on my deck, enjoying some winter sun, deep in thought when BAM a ‘Quoll’ jumped up, right in front of me. We were eye to eye. I stayed completely still, in awe, then took a photo when I saw his leg injury. The Quoll seemed to be looking at me and but was likely sniffing me or food out in the air. I phoned Wires (The Wildlife Rescue service here) and kept an eye out to see if he would come back. He hasn’t as far as I know, despite leaving food and water out...

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Blind Drunk and Angels

The wind was howling, my ears burning from the cold, I wrapped my woolly scarf and winter jacket tighter.  I was walking along Westbourne Grove, a fairly busy shopping street in West London, on my way to get some food for dinner.  ‘Help’ ‘Help me’ ‘Help!’ there was a man hanging onto a post on the pavement, swinging around it, trepidatiously, moving from the pavement into the road and back, his white hair standing upright from the wind, with a terrified look on his face.  

People were walking p...

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What I learned teaching yoga in a prison rehab project

“Dat was da bomb” were the words from one of the women as I finished teaching yoga relaxation.  Having moved through some resistance, this bright outgoing woman emerging with a big grin on her face.

Most of the women in the room hadn’t experienced yoga, meditation or relaxation.  The majority didn’t know how to relax their bodies.  Many couldn’t remember feeling a sense of peace in their minds from the constant bombardment of worry and stress.  They’d never experienced how that felt.  


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Off The Mat, Voice and Community

The year is flying by and I’ve been diving into my work with the organisation ‘Off the Mat into the World’ Australia/New Zealand.

Since working with Off The Mat this year, we’ve held a teacher gathering in Newcastle where local Aboriginal Elder, Di Langham ‘Welcomed us to Country’.  Di does wonderful work in the community as well as holding down a full-time job working with the guys in the local prison.  I’m hoping to work with her on a couple of projects this year, stay tuned!

I’m also co-org...

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Loving Kindness Check-in

My partner and I were driving back from a weekend away recently. It was dark, and suddenly in the middle of a winding twisty road, a huge huntsman spider (the size of my hand) decided to pop out a few inches from me, and scuttle along the inside of our windscreen, giving us both a bit of a surprise!

Fortunately, I don’t have much fear of spiders, which I think is partly due to being brought up in the UK, we didn’t have the big (or poisonous) variety, and I didn’t develop that fear, so I often f...

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Barefoot in Kensington Park – centering relaxation

Feeling very jammy to have hit London during a mini-heatwave recently, the parks were blooming and Wimbledon sweated!

The first thing I did, after madly hugging my dear friend in Paddington, was to hit the park, whip off my shoes and pad around on the grass barefoot. After a 27hr flight, I needed to find my centre again and hugging a close friend, smelling the air and feeling the grass under my feet felt instantly grounding, reconnecting me.

I love the fact that when we revisit places or go so...

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Letting Go of Excess Baggage

I go away next week for a brief trip to the UK after 5yrs and it’s given me a moment to reflect on that time. As I sit on the deck of our little bush home in the forest, something we’d been dreaming of for 10yrs, I’m feeling very grateful and lucky to be here, I remember the strong resistance to leaving London 5yrs ago, I loved it and found it hard to let go, something I’m sure we all experience at times.

My resistance at the time was totally futile and created unnecessary stress, as here

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