Sadly, my mum died in May this year, she was 76. My dad phoned me and although it wasn't unexpected, the timing was and of course we can never time these things. I'd desperately wanted to be there, or at least someone she loved be there, my dad was sick and hadn't been for a few days, nor my sister and I was back here in Australia, so she died alone in the nursing home after feistily refusing her breakfast that morning from the nurse. I'm grateful she had a bed and care. Many don't.
I'd bee...
Here's part 2 of Wollombi Spoken Word night. Enjoy xo
Part 1
Performing some of my writing at an open mic night on 1st December 2018 in Wollombi. Always good to do something that scares/challenges/stretches you a little once a year or more! This was one of mine to close out 2018 along with camera wobbles and colour balance craziness! What’s yours? There’s still time… little steps and celebration are two things worth cultivating, little steps because we’re always making progress (even if it feels like we’re going backwards) and celebration beca...
50% Complete
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